БҚО Орал қаласы
№5 жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп
Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Махсутова Дильназ Тлеккабыловна
Unit: |
Independent project |
Teacher’s name: |
Makhsutova D.T. |
Date: |
Grade:10 |
Number present: absent: |
Theme of the lesson: |
Chemical elements. Take a deep breath |
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to: |
10.1.1 - use speaking and listening skills to solve problems creatively and cooperatively in groups; 10.1.3 - respect differing points of view; 10.3.5 - interact with peers to make hypotheses about a wide range of general and curricular topics ; |
Lesson objectives: |
All learners will be able to: know the translation of the vocabulary Most learners will be able to:know the definition of the new vocabulary Some learners will be able to:answer the question |
Value links: |
Respect each other. |
Part of the lesson/Time |
Teacher’s activity |
Student’s activity |
Assessment |
Resources |
Beginning of the lesson Pre-learning 10 min
I Organization moment
The teacher greets with students.
II Checking up the home task The teacher checks Ss’ homework.
III Warm-up game T prepares a riddle for students. They should solve the riddle and try to guess the topic of lesson.
Aim: to introduce the topic |
Read the sentences and translate
1)We use airplane in the air, we use a boat on the river, and on the road we use … (car) 2)National animal of Kazakhstan… (horse) 3)Our planet … (Earth) 4)The Earth’s friend … (moon) 5) She is, you are, …am (I) 6) Symbol of royal family… (crown) 7) The second form of the verb “eat”… (ate) 8) The second form of the verb “leave”… (left) |
Descriptor: -answer to the questions 2 point
Encourage Ss who can name object that is connected with new lesson.
Students Book |
Middle of the lesson Presentation part.
10 min.
IV Explanation of the theme T explains a new topic “Chemical Elements”. T gives the task: Match the symbols to the correct elements using special cards. Then, T plays the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Aim: to present a new vocabulary Efficiency: Ss develop their writing and speaking skills. |
Students match the symbols to the correct elements.
1. O – oxygen. 2. C – carbon. 3. Fe – iron. 4. N – nitrogen. 5. Na – soldium. 6. Ag – silver. 7. Au – gold. 8. H – hydrogen.
-spelling words correctly 1 point. - answer questions correctly and competently 2 point. - 3point
Whiteboard Pupils Book Caeds
10 min |
V Reading the text “Take a deep breathe… Surprising facts about oxygen”. T records the video about the text. Ss listen and read.
T asks Ss to read the text and then mark the statements T (true) or F (false). T plays the recording. Ss listen and check their answers. Aim: to use prior knowledge when reading.
T asks Ss to do the next exercise. T explains the task. T gives Ss time to complete the task. T checks their answers.
Aim:to consolidate new vocabulary.
Students answer and explain their replies.
Students complete phrases and translate. |
-make sentences correctly 2 points
Whiteboard Students Book Poster |
10 min
VI Explanation of the grammatical material
T explains a new grammar topic using special material. T gives examples.
VII Doing exercise to consolidate the grammatical material
T asks Ss to read the sentences and fill in the missing prepositions, the gives Ss time by refering back to the text. T checks Ss’ answers.
Aim: to consolidate prepositional phrases in a text Efficiency: To develop their speaking and writing skills
Students listen explanation.
Exercise 6: Fill in the gaps with correct prepositions. |
Descriptor: -spelling words correctly 1 point. - answer questions correctly and competently 1 point. - 2point |
Whiteboard Students Book
End of the lesson.
5 min |
VIII Round-up activities: a) Giving home task b) Evaluation c) Feedback
Home task: to learn the new words; Exercise 5:Complete the sentences.
Aim: to consolidate a new vocabulary
T asks Ss to fill in feedback paper.
Aim:To know how many Ss got the theme. Efficiency: Ss can use colors to show how much do they remember. Differentiation: «Conclusion» method is used to finish the lesson. |
Students fill in the feedback paper.
Whiteboard Cards |
- Есбол Бозан
- Есбол Бозан
- Нарша Булгакбаев
- Джон Максвелл
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